This is my stone flower seller who is stepping out from under a large rhododendron bush.
An old frog sits on the edge of the pond. On a good day a spout of water leaps from his mouth but not today I'm afraid.
A pair of cute birds sit in the bird bath
This little cherub dates back many years. He stood centre stage in our very first garden.
These cherubs once held a fountain but sadly those days are long gone and they now play quietly in a shady spot.
Two moss covered rabbits wait for a clean.
A pair of squirrels eat nuts whilst supporting the old stone seat.
At one time there were four lions guarding the sundial but wind and rain have taken their toll on them.
A little elfin fellow sits atop the wind chimes
And last, but not least, an angel sits in the bough of a tree and blows kisses to all who pass by.