
Sunday 5 February 2012

Boots and birds

There was much excitement in the playroom this morning as the shiny red wellies were hurriedly taken from the cupboard and all because . . . . .

. . . . . . snow had fallen overnight.

The dolls only have one pair of wellies to share between them and whenever these boots put in an appearance everyone wants to try them on.

But of course they are much too big for the tiny dolls.

And they are just a bit too big for the medium sized dolls

And although they are almost the right size for Lucy Lavender

she needs the tiny dolls to help her walk.

Fortunately everyone knows that these boots will be just the right size for Posy and she is able to walk perfectly in them. And so Posy was chosen to be the doll who would brave the snowy conditions in order to put extra food on the bird table.

Standing on a chair she was just able to reach the bird table and when she'd filled it with bread crumbs and seed the hungry birds began arriving.

It was too cold to stay outside for long and the snow-covered wellies were left outside on the doorstep.

Posy returned to the playroom where the tiny dolls were waiting with her cosy warm slippers

And then it was time to identify the hungry birds that arrived looking for food.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting by a warm fire and am pleased to say my latest dolly is beginning to take shape so I will hopefully have more news about her fairly soon.

Until next time