
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Alice in Wonderland

Greetings friends. I've been enjoying enforced hibernation for a couple of weeks as my computer decided enough was enough and simply refused to turn on. I now have a brand new one so am up and running again.

Before I tell you what I've been making I'd like to tell you about a blogging chum of mine who had never picked up a pair of knitting needles until a couple of months ago and now she is knitting little dollies. All her dolls have real character and at the moment she's working on a grandma. You'll find her at Space Within. And just look at that giant cup of tea she's enjoying.

You'll be pleased to know I haven't been wasting my time and have produced two new characters for my Etsy shop. My Alice in Wonderland dolly was nearing completion when I decided she must have a White Rabbit as a companion. And so, after several weeks of frantic knitting I have two new rascals to show you.

If you are familiar with Lewis Carroll's story you may remember that when Alice fell down the rabbit hole she found a tiny key that fitted a tiny door behind a curtain. When the door was opened a beautiful garden was revealed. So, just in case Alice decides to pop back down the rabbit hole she has the little key on a ribbon round her neck.

And as for the White Rabbit? Well, he is invariably late and so I have given him a pocket watch for his waistcoat pocket.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to pop in and see you all recently. It looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.

Until next time