
Tuesday 2 November 2010

Rainbow tools of the trade

I felt the need to feast my eyes on bright colours today. So in a flurry of activity I went to my craft room and gave myself 20 minutes to find 'tools of the trade' in rainbow shades. I was tempted to use beads and fancy ribbons but that would have exceeded the 20 minute deadline. Below is my 20 minute rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).




And why the urgent need for colour you might ask. Well, just look at my view from the window today.

But happily we are keeping snug and warm indoors and I'm spending the afternoon working on winter coats for Polly and Kate. Several knitters who bought the pattern for these dolls have asked about winter clothing for them and I'm happy to say that thanks to the wet weather things are beginning to take shape.

The poor little dollies have to keep trying the coat on for size (with and without cardigan) so I reckon its time we all had a nice cup of tea to warm ourselves up.

Hoping your weather is better than ours today.