
Wednesday 14 April 2010

A Spot of Colour

April greetings from a sunny Flutter Patch. When the sun is shining I usually try to bring you some colourful pics of our pretty Lakeland scenery or flowering plants around the garden but as you can see from this post that isn't always the case.
Taking just a short drive from our home we reach the coast. I should love it to be a craggy place with huge Atlantic breakers, shiny pebbles and golden sands. In reality our nearest coastline is more of a muddy estuary but it does have its own stark beauty.

This is how it looked yesterday and at this time of year it can appear quite grey.
The village (Bardsea) sits on the hill overlooking this stretch of water.
We pass this way occasionally and always stop to enjoy the quiet contrast with our own Lakeland scenery which attracts so many millions of visitors each year.
Several rivers tumble their way from high Lake District hills and converge on this place bringing with them the grey Lakeland stone that is so familiar to those who live in our area.
Just a few green shoots are pushing their way through last year's tangled mat of old grass.
A patch of brambles is currently looking lethal.
but it will provide copious amounts of fruit in August though will no doubt puncture a great many fingers as well.
Eventually I find a small spot of colour to brighten the scene. Good old faithful dandelions....where would we be without their cheerful yellow flowers that always manage to bloom in the most inhospitable places?
Until next time when there should be more colour to show you,